Prepare the product description, etc. in advance However, no matter how much you smile, how bright you are in communication, there are things that must be said clearly. For example, there is a possibility that if you do not understand and understand how to use such products, such as how to use the product and without charging products, it may arise in other problems. In order to avoid such a thing, the features and color of the product, the size of the inventory, detailed descriptions of such raw materials, such as, for example, notes for duty-free products, preparation and pre-election and written in different languages, it is important to observe.
In particular, let's prepare the languages English, Chinese and German. Information: 5 languages to Chinese Singapore Phone Number List support for inbound multilingual mail In addition, it is important to mention POP in several languages, for example, "Dressing room is here", "At the moment of use", "Register here" and so on. Use tools Staff who can speak foreign languages can find the most reliable means of responding to foreign languages for foreign-speaking tourists. But finding such talent is not easy. It is also not easy that the workers are already working to learn English.the languages of foreign tourists even if they cannot speak foreign languages.
Using them, foreign tourists get the opportunity to enjoy shopping and services without complaining. Using the tool, you can provide information to foreign tourists and communicate without using words. In addition, it is effective to use "demonstration chat collection". Index conversation collection, such as color and size, there are those words and phrases that are commonly used described in several languages, it has been published in every industry. If you keep this conversation set in the store, you can communicate with each other just by placing your finger, if the content is clear. In addition, if it is used and used from the features of the product, it is also effective to show the animation.