offer added value in the following areas: Integration andcompatibility: to ensure that products and services complement each other orwork well together Innovation: to collaborate on new technologies and featuresand create cutting-edge solutions Technical Support: To ensure issuesassociated with integrations are resolved quickly and efficiently Productdevelopment: to work together to develop new products or improve existing onesThis article highlights our key technology partners, integrations, andcategories that are most useful to Zendesk customers. Create (digitally) fromscratch There is no specific number of applications required, but there arecertain parameters to consider. For example, it's better to add integrationsgradually rather than all
at once. The right questions to ask yourself are: What willadd the most value to your Chinese Australia Phone Number List customers? What will facilitate collaborationbetween teams? Do thorough research and don’t be afraid to experiment. Based onobserved trends, your customers should be adding a new app every four to fivemonths. We also suggest implementing a minimum of five integrations before theend of the second year of using Zendesk. As Michelle Torres, director oftechnology partner management at Zendesk, explains: “There are a lot of interestingapps being created by companies that our customers have probably never heardof. SweetHawk is a good example. Our customers have never heard of them becausethey only build apps for Zendesk and they are a small development
shop. But we know they make great apps. heard of an app doesn't mean it's ineffective. » To choosethe right technological tools, efficiency and scalability are not the onlycriteria to take into account. Security is a major concern for businesses. Yourclient's technology stack should therefore include robust features that protectcustomer data and build customer trust. Choosing the right tools also savesmoney in the long run, as apps and integrations that provide a fast, reliable,and seamless experience attract customers and help build loyalty. Don't skipthe trial period (most apps offer one) and keep your tech stack as simple aspossible. Browse the Zendesk Marketplace We all know Zendesk can unlock thepotential of