In assessing threats and opportunities, you need to understand what other market players are posting. Do they offer curative, original, promotional or educational content? What type of content do they post? Are they texts, photos, links or videos? Obviously, they certainly publish several types of content and test different formats. The objective is to identify ratios by typeformat, but also to analyze how the audience engages with their publications. Depending on the degree of indepth you want, you can choose to analyze different messages a video, a promotional publication, an educational post, an infographic,
The objective is to compare the assessments of each content comments, shares or retweets, likes Albania WhatsApp Number to better assess the preferences of your target. Analyzing content posted on their social channels helps you think about opportunities like new types of content or topics to explore and threats areas where competition is becoming dominant. Step Update your data regularly Ideally, your dashboard should have several tabs one per month or one per quarter. Indeed, a competitive analysis on social networks is only effective if it is carried out at regular intervals. This is how you can quickly spot threats,
Correct your weaknesses and verify that you maintain your position in the market. With competitive analysis on social media, you get an overview of the competitions performance. You get quantitative and qualitative data to benchmark against, so you can make informed business and marketing decisions. The objective? Improve your strategy and its return on investment. dwell time linkedin definition and best practices DWELL TIME LINKEDIN WHAT IS IT AND HOW TO OPTIMIZE IT? DECEMBER , COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT , INBOUND MARKETING , SOCIAL NETWORKS COMMENT Dwell Time is the key indicator used by the LinkedIn algorithm to highlight or not! a publication.