The offer is free, confidential and non binding and the student himself decides whether any case should proceed. We must ensure that the students rights are safeguarded, in short. So you are impartial, that means you don t take anyone s side That s right, we are a neutral party and cannot decide matters, but we can assist if there is a need in, for example, conflicts between the student and Oslo Nye Høyskole. We help the student to understand his own rights and obligations.
We can also help in complaint processes, including ensuring that the case is handled correctly. And as moible number data I said, I have a duty of confidentiality, so everything the student brings to me remains confidential. Can you name some typical inquiries students come to you with A significant proportion of the inquiries are related to the exam, it could be the exam result or the way the exam was conducted. We also receive a number of inquiries concerning admissions, practice, facilitation, cheating cases and suitability cases. I would like to emphasize that we are here to give advice, guidance and assistance to the students.
So even if you are unsure whether we are the right place to go, get in touch anyway. In any case, we can refer you to . Trustees and the student council In each class, there are shop stewards with whom you can raise questions or problems related to your everyday studies. They can take the matter further for consideration in the student council. The shop stewards are part of the student council and represent each class, and often also have other active student roles. We spoke to two of the members of the student council Kaja Katinka Østereng, who is studying the first year course in basic medicine, and Anna Nøhr.