When activism happens around a social cause,
infiltrated culture and media. Choosing to notacknowledge them may demonstrate a brand’s lack of interest in issues thatmatter. According to Sprout Social’s research, the top four issues thatconsumers want brands to take a stand on are human rights, poverty,environment, and education. How Brands Can Take on Social Issues on SocialMedia Become a world class digital marketer How do you use social media tochampion social issues? Social media is an important tool for supporting andcommenting on social issues. But there’s a skill to use the platformseffectively. 1. Listen to your customers Before you take to social media toadvocate on a topic, take time to listen.emotions can run high. During the
BlackLivesMatter protests, the sentiments expressedon Twitter were fear, anger, joy Jewelers Email Listand sadness. To understand your audience, usethe best audience listening tools to gauge the mood. This will allow you toturn a negative emotion into a positive action such as urging followers to signa petition or purchase a product that supports the cause. 2. Do your researchMake sure you know what you’re talking about before you talk about it! This maysound simplistic, but any assertions you post should be backed up https://mynumberslist.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Jewelers-Email-List.png
with evidence from reputable sources. Look toexperts and reach out to well-known organizations in the area in which you wantto take a stand to ensure you are educated. Also, ensure you have a socialmedia style guide that provides a roadmap for all employees active on yourchannels to ensure your brand’s voice is consistent. 3. Choose the rightplatform Facebook’s audience is not the same as TikTok’s. Look at the socialplatforms you use and see which ones would fit best for the type of message you